Dr Liam Morris
Consultant GastroenterologistYear 3 student feedback:
“When I need advice on how to complete tasks, people are always willing to help which I really appreciate.”
“Consultants supervising us on all the placements I have had have been excellent in knowing what is required of us and facilitating sessions to allow us to get the required experiences etc.”
“Most junior doctors and consultants are very keen to teach and guide us through the cases we come across in the clinics and on the wards.”
Year 4 student feedback:
“Very good teaching and helpful staff on the wards, clinics and theatres”
“Great teaching, all staff are willing to engage with medical students and provide teaching.”
“The Teaching was great by all doctors”
“Saw a wide array of patients and clinics”
“Everyone was really keen to help us and were really lovely to us”
Year 5 student feedback:
“Excellent teaching on medicine block Gastro in Chorley Hospital”
“Fantastic prescribing teaching”
“Revision week was good really well organised”

Aaron Hobin
Student Quality AmbassadorI am now a qualified Major Trauma Nurse at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. This would not have been possible if I hadn’t learned about pressure area care from a TVN Specialist, or learnt about the trauma network from attending meetings about improving hospital care.
Being an SQA pushed me to develop my skills in quality improvement. When I go to interviews I have this on my CV, keeping the message fresh about quality improvement and how I was a part of improving the quality within the Trust. Now I have qualified I have become a Quality Ambassador and continue to work with the Trust to change practices for the better.