The Health Academy’s clinical education team have recently purchased two new simulation manikins, the CAE Ares, to support the training and education delivery into the recognition of the deteriorating patient and the A-E assessment approach.
The aim of this type of training is to reduce the number of cardiac arrests in our patient population by recognising early that their clinical condition maybe worsening.
This is an upgrade from the older models that we have used with all of our key groups of learners, including HCAs in their initial induction period, qualified and registered professionals on the Professional Preceptorship Programme (PPP) and Acute Illness Management (AIM).
The Clinical Skills team are looking forward to utilising the new capabilities of the CAE Ares manikin across these courses, and in their developing enhanced acute care sessions.
The CAE Ares manikin has a number of exciting features that will really enhance the training experience, including;
The CAE Maestro software allows you to easily select manual operation or CAE’s modelled physiology, which responds automatically to treatments and interventions.
Ares demonstrates spontaneous breathing with bilateral chest rise and fall, offering better realism for life-saving learning.
CAE SymEyes display patient conditions in the Ares’ sclera, pupils and eyelids, including jaundice, hemorrhage, bloodshot sclera, keyhole pupils, ptosis or droopy eyelids and cataract.
Clinical Skills Manager, Chris Ellis, said “This new technology will enable us to train and embed the vital assessment and management of the deteriorating patient, and improve patient safety, whist engaging our staff and promoting the patient experience.
“The team is hoping to undertake insitu and pop up simulation, utilising these new manikins in conjunction with the simulation team.
“We are looking forward to enhancing our training provision using this technology, which will help to reduce the number of cardiac arrests within our hospitals.”

The Health Academy deliver a broad range of clinical training, supported by technology such as the CAE Ares Manakin.
We look forward to welcoming more learners and employees who will see the benefits of this state of the art technology.