A warm welcome to Foundation doctors from the elearning for healthcare hub!
As we welcome Foundation doctors to the new academic year, we are pleased to advise that first and second year trainees are able to access the official Foundation elearning programme via NHS England’s elearning for healthcare (elfh) hub.
The e-learning programme covers the entire foundation curriculum and will provide evidence of a colleague’s learning to the General Medical Council, as well as being recorded in their ePortfolio.
Completing sessions early will help colleagues get more out of their attachments in the Foundation years, and the elearning will also help them to cover parts of the curriculum that they may otherwise not encounter.
We would welcome your help to review sessions within the Foundation elearning programme. Foundation Doctors reviewing our sessions can enter the review as a publication in your CV. If you would like to help, please email TEL@hee.nhs.uk using the subject line: ‘Foundation feedback’.
May we take this opportunity to warmly welcome colleagues to the Foundation programme, and we hope that you enjoy using these training resources.
Accessing the elearning
All Foundation doctors have been automatically registered on the e-earning and can access it at www.e-lfh.org.uk by clicking the ‘Log in to your e-learning’ button in the top right hand corner of the page. Colleagues will need to link their e-Portfolio to their elfh e-learning activity and should refer to the email they have been sent from the elfh Registration Team for information on how to do this.
For more information on how to log in, access your e-learning and technical checks, please visit elfh’s support pages.