- Dates Available
- Duration Two Days
- Cost £685
- Venue Chorley Hospital, Lancashire, PR7 1PP
Particularly suitable for FY1-2 and CT1-2 Doctors. Also open to Surgical Care Practitioners, First Surgical Assistants and anyone in training for those roles.
Course content: BSS is widely viewed as a cornerstone course for all trainees taking up their first surgical position. Over two highly practical days, you will learn a range of essential basic surgical skills and techniques within a controlled workshop environment.
Two highly practical days within a controlled workshop environment covering a wide range of essential basic surgical skills and techniques
Instrument Handling – Suturing and Knot Tying – Tissue Handling – Electro-surgery – Wound Management – Endoscopic surgery
Course Director: Ms Vinutha Shetty
For further details, please contact:
Surgical Simulation, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Email: surgicalsim@lthtr.nhs.uk