NOTSS: Non-technical Skills for Surgeons – RCS Franchised

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Course overview
  • Dates
  • Consultants 18/06/25
  • Trainees 30/04/25, 11/06/25, 23/07/25
  • Cost £150
  • Duration 1 day (08:30 - 16:45)

The RCSEd Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS) Course is a one-day course aimed at surgeons across
all specialties.

The course examines the non-technical skills which underpin good operative performance.

The courses will be face to face course at the Chorley Hospital Education Centre 3.

There will be a variety of teaching methods and will be employed including small group work and simulated scenarios.

As part of the school of surgery’s commitment to develop and embed human factors / non-technical skills training in the education programmes and the workplace, all ST3s are required to complete a non-technical skill for surgeons (NOTSS) course. To develop faculty for these courses as well as enhance the HFs / non-technical skills teaching being delivered across all the programmes we are running two courses for consultants (&SAS doctors) only in addition to offering trainee course places to ST8 trainees.

For further information on RCSEd NOTSS, please see

For further details, please contact:
Surgical Simulation, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust