Course overview
- Date To be confirmed
- Venue Health Academy, Royal Preston Hospital, Lancashire (PR2 9HT)
- Aimed at Renal Trainees (ST3 and above), Renal Speciality Doctors and recently appointed Consultants.
With applied clinical cases at its core, this course covers the comprehensive and up-to-date management of real and challenging clinical cases in nephrology, dialysis and transplantation.
Topics include:
- AKI and Fluid Management Cases
- Glomerulonephritis Cases
- Haemodialysis Cases
- Large Medium and Small Vessel Disease Management
- Living Kidney Donor Cases
- Peritoneal Dialysis Cases
- Transplant Cases
- TTP/HUS/aHUS Cases
Course fee: To be confirmed
For further details, please contact:
Centres Team
Telephone: 01772 524919
Enhanced PPE will be available as per PHE guidance and appropriate social distancing will be adhered to throughout the course.