- Duration One Day
- Cost £220 (New price take effect from 1st August 2023)
- Venue Education Centre 2, RPH, Preston, PR2 9HT
- Dates 30th September - 1st October 2025, 4th - 5th February 2026
- Start Time TBC
The NLS course is designed for any healthcare professional involved in the delivery and care of a newborn infant. This includes both junior and senior medical and nursing staff, midwives, paramedics and resuscitation officers. All applicants must hold a professional healthcare qualification or be in training for a professional healthcare qualification.
The Resuscitation Council (UK) Newborn Life Support (NLS) course was launched in 1999 and is a standardised national course providing clear practical instruction in airway support and the theoretical background to illustrate its importance in resuscitation of the newborn.
The NLS course teaches the knowledge and skills required to:
- approach the management of a newborn infant during the first 10-20 minutes in a competent manner;
- understand the processes underlying apnoea, bradycardia and poor condition at birth; deliver practical airway management and ventilatory support.
The course is run over one day. All candidates will be registered on the Learning Management System (LMS) to access the pre-course multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ), course evaluation and post course certificates. The course programme consists of lectures, skill stations and teaching simulations.
There are two assessment components on the NLS course:
- Airway test – candidates will need to demonstrate the core skills of airway management of a newborn infant and show what steps to take if initial attempts at management are unsuccessful, both when alone and when working as part of a team.
- Multiple-choice Questionnaire
Successful candidates receive a Resuscitation Council (UK) NLS provider certificate, which is valid for 4 years. NLS Providers can only recertify by attending a full NLS provider course. The NLS course is recognised for 5 continuing professional development (CPD) points. If you would like to apply for this course, please complete the online application form.