At Lancashire Teaching Hospitals we have 3 Specialised Foundation Programme posts available. The posts are within Respiratory Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Critical Care and will be supervised by academic consultants with active research links to regional universities.
The rotations will include medical and surgical specialty attachments as well as a 4 month attachment in GP in FY2. There will be a weekly Foundation teaching programme to attend at the Trust as well as a monthly regional SFP teaching.
During the FY1 year the trainee is advised to contact their academic supervisor to discuss their options and put a plan in place for FY2. During the FY2 year the 4 month period dedicated to the academic element of the track will enable the doctor to dedicate themselves to their research project. Although working independently the F2 will be closely supervised and well supported by their ES and will continue to attend the weekly FY2 teaching and the SFP monthly teaching.

Dr Aashish Vyas
Specialised Foundation Programme Lead. Consultant Physician in Respiratory Medicine & Honorary LecturerTrainees are expected to produce work which can be presented at national and international meetings (British Thoracic Society, European Respiratory Society). We aim to support delivery of material that can be published in international peer-reviewed journals (;
Trainees will be supervised by Dr Vyas. Consultant Respiratory Physicians and supported by a specialist multidisciplinary team.
Respiratory Medicine
The trainee undertaking the academic working in Respiratory Medicine will complete their clinical work within this Medicine placement.
The division of general medicine serves a population of 350,000. The general medical firms have sub specialty interest including gastroenterology, respiratory medicine, endocrinology, DMFE and renal medicine. The trainees are attached to acute firms, which perform unselected general medical takes of around 40 patients. They have supervision during on calls by the SpR who has no other commitments during his/her on call day. There are also twice daily consultant ward rounds, which add a significant educational remit to the acute take.
The F2 trainees will attend respiratory / general medical clinics seeing both new and follow up patients under consultant supervision. They will have day to day responsibilities for managing in-patients with their firms. There will be consultant led ward rounds daily.
Trainees will be expected to participate in educational activities of the department, including grand rounds, MDT and research meetings and to perform an audit.
Competencies gained will include communication skills, multidisciplinary team-working skills, assessment and management of a vast range of medical elective and emergency conditions, data interpretation, and time management and prioritisation skills. There are protected teaching sessions for foundation year programme trainees.
The job is EWTD compliant.

Dr Kirsty Challen
Consultant in Emergency MedicineMedical Education—Emergency Medicine
This rotation includes 4 months in FY2 of dedicated academic time to spend on an agreed medical education/research project. The Trainee will be supported by the Emergency Department in FY1 to develop a research project which fits their career aims and interests, and to access training in appropriate research methods. This will support delivery of the project and data gathering in the academic block. We would expect that this will enable abstract submissions at a national and international level and support for the delivery of a peer reviewed publication.
The rotation will also include a 4-month clinical block in FY2 in the Emergency Department to develop their competencies in management of the unselected patient, and insight into the challenges of and skills required for education in a time-pressured environment.
The Emergency Department has links with a number of national and international EM research groups, Lancaster University and the Trust simulation service, which is nationally recognised. We are the Major Trauma Centre for Lancashire and South Cumbria and have particular interests in the use of routinely collected data for research (including in public health), decision-making in EM, and older trauma. We can also offer opportunities in simulation-based education (particularly in-situ sim) in conjunction with Dr Kirsten Walthall. The post-holder will be supervised by Dr Kirsty Challen

Dr Shondipon Laha
Consultant in Critical Care Medicine and AnaesthesiaIntensive Care
The trainee undertaking the specialised foundation post in Intensive Care Medicine will provide clinical duties on the Critical Care Unit at RPH. This is a large busy Critical Care Unit with a mixed ICU and HDU. The unit caters for several specialities as the trust is now a designated Major Trauma Centre and a tertiary referral service for neurosurgery, upper gastrointestinal, head and neck and vascular surgery.
We have an enthusiastic department with a strong involvement in undergraduate and postgraduate education.
The trainee will form part of a junior 24/7 rota with 24 hour senior support within the unit. They will learn to manage , under supervision , the sickest patients in the hospital. They will be expected to develop management strategies for resuscitating acutely unwell patients , often with multi-organ failure. The trainees will be expected to attend a protected half day of teaching each week. We run frequent audits and doctors will be able to conduct one during their attachment.
Outline of Academic Duties for ICU:
We are proud of our delivery of medical education and trainees will be asked to assist in the teaching of medical and nursing staff. The department recently published the 2nd edition of the “Beginner’s guide to Intensive Care Medicine” .
The research department consists of a clinical lead, three research nurses and a research fellow. They contribute to several national research trials and run smaller local projects including medical student project options. There is also a strong link with Lancaster University.
The trainee will have a 4 month academic block , and 4 month clinical block within critical care; or potentially 8 months in critical care, with half their time being devoted to research. This is flexible depending upon what the research aims are likely to be. Both posts can be banded if required. The successful candidate will be provided with time throughout their foundation years in order to develop and conduct a research project of their own with close supervision by their educational supervisor and to help with national trials. Their work will be presented at regional, national and international meetings and they will be expected to publish the work in a peer-reviewed journal. The job is EWTD compliant. Recent projects have been focussed around sleep and delirium, cardiopulmonary exercise tests and decision-making and the last few trainees have published at least one paper in peer-reviewed journal and presented at international meetings. However, any critical care area that the candidate is interested in, will be considered.