Dr Alison Sykes
Director of Postgraduate Medical Education
Dr Vinod Varughese
Foundation Programme DirectorMy role as FPD includes overseeing the quality of placements you have & the quality of training which you receive during your time at LTHTr as well as providing pastoral support.
I am also the careers lead for the programme. During my career I have changed my career path quite a few times and understand the difficulty of finding the right specialty choice or training track. I hope to provide advice and opportunities for you to help you make those decisions as you progress through your Foundation training.

Dr Chera Arunachalam
Associate Foundation Programme DirectorMy primary role as AFPD is to organise a full and varied weekly teaching programme for you and also to provide pastoral support with the rest of the team.
Dr Samriddhi Bharadwaj Padhye
Associate Foundation Programme DirectorMy primary role as AFPD focuses on your portfolios. I will be responsible for checking you are meeting the ARCP requirements with your portfolio alongside offering pastoral support.
Dr Sudhindra Kulkarni
Associate Foundation Programme DirectorMy primary role as AFPD is to oversee the quality of placements which are offered as part of your FY track. I also provide pastoral support with the rest of the team.

Arifa Mayat
Foundation Programme CoordinatorI will be your first port of call during your time at LTHTr with regards to your Foundation training. My role includes all the administrative side such as arranging meetings with the FPD team, recording your absences, arranging the teaching programme and allocating your placements and supervisors.

Natalie Suffield
Induction and Assessment CoordinatorI am the Induction & Assessment Coordinator for all junior doctors at LTHTr. For the Foundation Programme this involves organising any pre employment checks, arranging your shadowing timetables, all mandatory training & organising your induction programme. I also monitor all mandatory core skills e-learning throughout your two years at the Trust & your teaching attendance.