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We are offering a number of courses designed to help you find evidence when you need it. If you would like any of these sessions delivered to teams or larger groups of staff then we can arrange a session at a time and a place to suit you.  The library induction can be done face to face or via Microsoft Teams.  The other courses will be delivered using MS Teams for the time-being, but please don’t worry if you don’t currently have Teams installed. The invite we send to you will prompt you to download the Teams app, which will then give you access to MS Teams and allow you to join the session.  To book a training session please contact the library.


The library service is available to ALL Trust staff and students 24/7. Not only do we have an excellent range of clinical books and e-books but also a substantial leadership and management section as well as a good collection of fiction and wellbeing books. We also have a wide range of electronic resources available for you to access at work or at home.

Attend this course if you want to know:

  • How to join the library
  • About the library space and facilities
  • How to search for and borrow books
  • How to access electronic resources from home and work
  • How to request a journal article or a literature search
  • How to sign up for our information skills training

Previous experience required: None

Duration: 30 mins

Format: Presentation  – this can be done via Microsoft Teams or face to face, as a 1-1 or as a group


If you need to find the best evidence to support patient care or service improvement, or you need to search the literature for your research project or dissertation, this virtual training session is for you!

Course content:

  • How to formulate an appropriate search question
  • Identifying and understanding the different types of evidence
  • Using search engines and evidence tools such as Evidence Search, The Cochrane Library, Medline and Cinahl to find good quality health care information
  • Downloading and saving references

Attend if:

  • You need to find the best evidence to support patient care or service improvement
  • You need to search the primary literature for your research project or dissertation, or for the purposes of audit
  • You are required to do any form of literature review, including systematic reviews
  • You are embarking on a course of study, are writing an assignment, are returning to study or are researching a CPD topic.

Previous experience required: Some experience of using the Internet is required. A familiarity with journal literature would also be useful.

Duration: 1 hour

Format: Presentation with worked examples. This course can be done as a 1-1 or group session.

Clinical point-of-care tools are designed to help you save time by summarising and rating the available evidence on a wide range of clinical topics. All staff and students at Lancashire Teaching Hospital have access to two clinical-points-of-care tools: DynaMed and BMJ Best Practice. This course is intended to provide an introduction to both DynaMed and BMJ Best Practice.

Course contents

  • How you can access DynaMed and BMJ Best Practice
  • A tour of DynaMed and BMJ Best Practice, including the following
    • How to find recommendations
    • Patient Information
    • National and International Guidelines
    • How to register for CPD/CME
    • How to stay up-to-date on a topic, including practice changing alerts

Attend if:
You are a nurse, doctor, allied-health professional, nursing student, or medical student looking to find out how BMJ Best Practice and DynaMed can support you in making clinical decisions.

Previous experience required: None

Duration: 20-30 minutes

Format: Live demo.  This course can be done as a 1-1 or group session. It can be delivered via Teams or in person.


Health literacy is about people having enough knowledge, understanding, skills and confidence to use health information, to be active partners in their care, and to navigate health and social care systems. People working in health and social care need to be aware of health literacy and of the techniques that can help to increase understanding. This session will offer an introduction to health literacy, why it is important and techniques that can be used to improve health literacy.

Course content:

  • What is health literacy and why is it important?
  • What does low health literacy look and feel like?
  • How does having low health literacy impact an individuals’’ health?
  • What impact does low health literacy have on the NHS?
  • Tools and techniques that can help support people with low health literacy

Attend if:

You come into contact with patients on a regular basis

Previous experience required: None

Duration:  1 hour

Format:  Presentation and discussion. This course is currently offered as a group session via Microsoft Teams.

If you’d like to do a bit of self-directed learning then there are e-learning modules available free from Health Education England that you can complete. These modules are designed to help the healthcare workforce (clinical and non-clinical) build confidence to search published literature for articles and evidence relevant to their work, study and research. The modules are short (each taking no more than 20 minutes to complete) and may be ‘dipped into’ for reference, or completed to obtain a certificate. There are seven modules suitable for novice searchers and those wishing to refresh their knowledge.