Print Books
The Library has a brand new collection of books on the topic of sustainability.
To borrow these books you need to be a Library member – Join the Library quickly and easily online and we will post your membership details in the post, or you can join by visiting the Library in person.
You can borrow up to 12 print books for 4 weeks at a time.
You can reserve books via the Library Catalogue and collect from Royal Preston or Chorley Library any time of day.
The libraries are situated in Health Academy Centre 1 at RPH and Health Academy Centre 3 at CDH. You can access both libraries 24/7 with your Trust ID badge.
Books in this collection include:

We also have a range of E-books available on the topic of sustainability. These books have been provided by Health Education England.
E-books can be accessed anytime anywhere with an OpenAthens account – register for an OpenAthens by completing a quick online form.

Hampshire Healthcare Library Service produces a useful bulletin on sustainability:
Important Documents
There are a number of important documents on the topic of sustainability which are listed below:
Reducing Healthcare Carbon Emissions: A Primer on Measures and Actions for Healthcare Organizations to Mitigate Climate Change (2022) – Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Green Plan: a three-year strategy towards net zero (2022) – Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Delivering a ‘Net Zero’ National Health Service 2020 – NHS England and NHS Improvement
Putting sustainability at the heart of an NHS reset: delivering on the NHS NET Zero strategy (2020) – NHS Confederation
Climate change and sustainability: the health service and net zero (2020) – British Medical Association
Reducing the use of natural resources in health and social care (2018) – Sustainable Development Unit
How to produce a green plan: a three-year strategy towards net zero (2021) – NHS England and NHS Improvement
Sustainability annual report 2020-2021 – NHS Digital
Carbon modelling within dentistry: towards a sustainable future (2018) – Public Health England
Sustainable health and social care: connecting environmental and financial performance (2012) – The King’s Fund
Health care’s climate footprint: how the health sector contributes to the global climate crisis and opportunities for action (2019) – Health Care Without Harm

Case Studies
There are also a number of interesting case studies on the issue of sustainability which are listed below:
Reducing unnecessary cannulation at Charing Cross Hospital
Green transport delivers life-saving drugs and improves patient experience
Solar power sparks an electrical future for Milton Keynes University Hospital
Pedal power for cleaner healthcare delivery
Putting anaesthetic-generated emissions to bed
Boosting health and sustainable travel in Manchester
Zooming into a greener future: The case for a zero-emissions courier service
Reducing single use plastics at Great Ormond Street Hospital
You can view all case studies on the Greener NHS website
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare also has a large number of case studies available on its website.
You can also read about how NHS Wales is responding to the climate emergency.

Journal Articles
The articles below are examples of the wide variety of published research available on sustainability. If you would like a full literature search, please order a search for evidence.
If you need help accessing any of the articles below, please contact us – call 01772 522763 or email
Health care’s response to climate change: a carbon footprint assessment of the NHS in England. Tennison, I. et al. The Lancet Planetary Health 2021, 5 (2), e84-e92.
Realist evaluation of the implementation and impact of the NHS carbon reduction strategy in the UK. Husain, S.A. and Sidhu, M. BMJ Open 2021, 11: e044259.
Sustainability 1: can nurses reduce the environmental impact of healthcare? Gallagher, R. and Dix, A. Nursing Times 2020, 116 (9), 29-31.
The environmental impacts of telemedicine in place of face-to-face patient care: a systematic review. Ravindrane, R. and Patel, J. Future Healthcare Journal 2022, 9 (1), e1-6.
Does telemedicine reduce the carbon footprint of healthcare? A systematic review. Purohit, A. et al. Future Healthcare Journal 2021, 8 (1), e85-91.
Before/after intervention study to determine impact of life-cycle carbon footprint of converting from single-use to reusable sharps containers in 40 UK NHS Trusts. Grimmond, T.R. et al. BMJ Open 2021, 11 (9), e046200.
Strategy for net-zero carbon surgery. Rizan, C. and Bhutta, M.F. British Journal of Surgery 2021, 108 (7), 737-739.
Climate-smart actions in the operating theatre for improving sustainability practices: a systematic review. Pradere, B. et al. European Urology 2022.
Costs of switching to low global warming potential inhalers. An economic and carbon footprint analysis of NHS prescription data in England. Wilkinson, A.J.K. et al. BMJ Open 2019, 9 (10), e028763.