If you’re looking for information to support your work and personal development you’ve come to the right place!
Below is a whole range of ways the Library can support you throughout your HCA career or training at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals.
We can help you:
The British Journal of Healthcare Assistants
The British Journal of Healthcare Assistants (BJHCA) is essential reading for all HCAs and APs who are serious about developing their own career, as well as providing the best possible support for the patients in their care.
Each issue contains a wide range of bespoke, evidence-based articles providing examples of good practice in all areas of healthcare. Every article highlights learning outcomes, to support practitioners’ training and to help extend their knowledge and skills.
Access journal at work with no password, access off-site with an NHS Open Athens account
Interesting article: Misinformation and fake news: how librarians can support healthcare assistants, British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, January 2025 Vol 19 No. 1. OpenAthens account required to access article off-site.
The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures, 10th ed. online
Clinical nurse experts from one of the UK’s leading centres of expertise have brought together all the latest clinical evidence nurses need to confidently meet the requirements of their demanding profession. The Royal Marsden Manual includes over 350 evidence-based clinical procedures related to every aspect of care, from handwashing to cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Access online with an NHS OpenAthens account.
The manual can also be borrowed in print format – join the Library to reserve on the Library Catalogue.
The Care Certificate is a set of 15 standards that healthcare professionals adhere to in their working life.
The Library has produced the following bulletins to support staff undertaking the care certificate. Each bulletin highlights relevant books and journal articles available at the Library:
Mental health , dementia, learning disabilities
If you need more information about the Care Certificate there is a workbook you can download.
The Library has some textbooks specifically for supporting the work of HCAs, as well as lots of other books which will be useful for doing the Care Certificate. We have books on the following topics:
Browse our online library catalogue to find more books of interest. You can reserve titles if you join the Library.
We have a Health & Wellbeing Collection to help you relax and stay fit & healthy. The collection includes books on stress, healthy eating, exercise, hobbies and much more. There are both eBooks and print books available in the collection.
We also have a large fiction and non-fiction collection to help you relax and unwind after a busy day working.
We have relaxation areas where you can take some time out and reflect after a busy or difficult shift, including a Health and Well-being room at Chorley and comfy seating areas at Preston.
The Library and these resources can be accessed 24/7 with your Trust ID Badge.
Find out more about the Library’s Health & well-being services