Print Books & E-books
The Library has a large collection of critical care textbooks available in print and online.
You can borrow up to 10 print books for 4 weeks at a time.
You can reserve books online if you join the Library.
E-books can be accessed anytime anywhere with an OpenAthens account.
Some of the most recent additions to stock are:
eJournals & Databases
The Library has a large collection of electronic journals on critical care medicine and critical care nursing.
Some of our most popular critical care journals are:
You can access eJournals at work or at home with an OpenAthens account.
You can search for more journals using BrowZine – a quick and simple way to keep track of what’s new in your favourite journals.
You can also do a literature search on databases, such as Medline, Cinahl and PubMed, to find journal articles and systematic reviews on specific areas of critical care. Need help with this? Book onto on of our training sessions.
Evidence-based Information & Resources
Need evidence on a specific critical care topic? Request a literature search and we will save you time by searching databases for you.
You can also use the following resources to browse the latest medical research in critical care – helping you make evidence-based decisions at the point of care:
BMJ Best Practice – Critical Care
Earn CME/CPD credits while searching for answers to your clinical questions. Reduce time spent preparing for appraisal and revalidation, and demonstrate continuous improvement and development.
Critical Care Evidence Update
The Library’s Critical Care Evidence Update is a current awareness service compiled by the Clinical Librarian to support the Critical Care Ward round at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. It provides a regular evidence round up with additional reading based on topics which arise on the ward round.
Visit the blog here: