Evidence for Quality Improvement
The Library has created a guide which will take you through why evidence is important, how to get evidence, and how the library team can help you achieve these goals.
Download the Evidence for Quality Improvement guide here
We have also highlighted below a range of relevant books, eJournals, and useful publications and websites.
ABC of quality improvement in healthcare
T. Swanwick and E. Vaux
Wiley Blackwell, 2020
Improving patient care: the implementation of change in health care, 3rd ed.
M. Wensing et al
Wiley, 2020
Lean-let’s get it right!: how to build a culture of continuous improvement
D. Rizzardo
Routledge, 2020
The improvement guide: a practical approach to enhancing organizational performance
G.J. Langley
Jossey-Bass, 2009
The health care data guide: learning from data for improvement
L.P. Provost and S.K. Murray
Jossey-Bass, 2011
Managing transitions: making the most of change
W. Bridges and S. Bridges
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2017
If Disney ran your hospital: 9 ½ things you would do differently
F. Lee
Second River Healthcare Press, 2004
Organizational culture and leadership, 5th ed.
P. Schein
5th edition
John Wiley & Sons, 2017
The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organisation
P.M. Senge
Random House, 2006
Lean hospitals: improving quality, patient safety, and employee engagement
M. Graban
CRC Press, 2016
Lean six sigma for hospitals
J. Arthur
McGraw Hill, 2016
Using patient reported outcomes to improve health care
J. Appleby et al
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
Making sense of change management: a complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change
E. Cameron and M. Green
Kogan Page, 2020
Cascades: how to create a movement that drives transformational change
G. Satell
McGraw Hill Education, 2019

Useful publications
Quality improvement made simple: what everyone should know about health care quality improvement, The Health Foundation (2013)
The improvement journey: why organisation–wide improvement in health care matters, and how to get started, The Health Foundation (2019)
The spread challenge: how to support the successful uptake of innovations and improvements in health care, The Health Foundation (2018)
Building the foundations for improvement, The Health Foundation (2015)
Involving junior doctors in quality improvement, The Health Foundation (2011)
Quality improvement in hospital trusts: sharing learning from trusts on a journey of QI, CQC (2018)
Embedding a culture of Quality Improvement, The King’s Fund (2017)
Approaches to better value in the NHS: improving quality and cost, The King’s Fund (2018)
Making the case for quality improvement: lessons for NHS boards and leaders, The King’s Fund (2017)
Strategic quality improvement: an action learning approach, The King’s Fund (2016)
Improving quality in the English NHS: a strategy for action, The King’s Fund (2016)
Unlocking the potential: supporting doctors to use national clinical audit to drive improvement, RCP (2018)
Economic evaluation in quality improvement: a starter guide, Health Improvement Scotland (2020)
Using data to support change in clinical practice: a good practice guide, Royal College of Surgeons (2017)
A sense of urgency, a sense of hope: building a culture and system for continuous improvement, AQUA (2018)
Building capacity and capability for improvement, NHS Improvement (2017)
First steps toward quality improvement: a simple guide to improving services, NHS Improving Quality (2014)
Quality improvement: theory and practice in health care, NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement (2008)
The How-to guide for measurement for improvement, NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement (2017)
A guide to quality improvement tools, HQIP (2021)
Leading large scale change: a practical guide, NHS England (2018)
Guide to managing ethical issues in quality improvement or clinical audit projects, HQIP (2021)
Information governance in local quality improvement, HQIP (2020)
Quality improvement in surgery – basic principles, Royal College of Surgeons of England (2021)
A trainee’s guide to a quality improvement project, Royal College of Surgeons of England (2021)
Guide to involving junior doctors in clinical audit and quality improvement, HQIP (2020)
Useful websites
Emerald Insight
Improvement hub
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership