Monday to Friday: 09:00—17:00
Preston Library Telephone: 01772 522763
Chorley Library Telephone: 01257 245606
Email: library@lthtr.nhs.uk
Frequently asked questions
Preston Library
Health Academy 1 |
Chorley Library
Health Academy 3 |
Yes, you can use the libraries at Preston and Chorley out of hours. Use your Trust ID Badge to enter the library. You can use our self-issuing machine to take books out at any time. Email idbadge@lthtr.nhs.uk if your badge does not work.
Yes, Harris Flex is available on the library’s PCs. Only IT can provide you with your username and password. In order to contact IT phone 01772522185 (2185 from a Trust telephone). You will need your Trust ID badge. If you need training on Harris Flex or are having technical difficulties, then ring IT.
Using the printer for the first time.
Send your job to the printer. At the printer you will see the printer screen. There is an area to scan your Trust ID Badge next to the printer screen. Place your Trust ID Badge on the area for scanning. The screen will ask you to enter your Trust username and password. Login. You will not need to do this next time. You will see your job on the screen. Select the job. Select Print and Keep or Print and Delete.
Yes. In order to access the WI-FI in the library connect to the Public WI-FI. You can login using your Facebook or Google account. Or, you can have a text message sent to your phone. The text message will have a code. Use this code to login to the Public WI-FI
Further help
Go to the Employee Self Service (ESS) page. This page provides help on how to access payslips. Call 01772520635 to speak to the ESS team. You must dial the full number.